HSClientR is an API wrapper for HydroShare. Using HSClientR, you can access resources from HydroShare directly in your R environment, either by the package functions or the in-development R6 Class.


You can install the developmental version of HSClientR with:

# install.packages("remotes")

Example Using Package Functions

This is a basic example which shows you how to access a resource. We’ll access the resource Hydrologic Terrain Analysis Using Web Based Tools, as well as some additional functionality.

Authenticating with HydroShare

# To set auth headers
hs_auth(set_headers = TRUE)

This function will begin an OAuth 2.0 dance between your R session and the HydroShare API. This is only needed if you are utilizing hs_user()/hs_userDetails() or any of the DELETE, POST, and PUT functions. Most of the GET functions are publicly accessible.

# Search for resources
    text = "Hydrologic Terrain Analysis Using Web Based Tools",
    author = "David Tarboton"

# Alternatively, if you want to use specific functions,
# you can call hs_search() with the same parameters

#> $.next
#> [1] NA
#> $.prev
#> [1] NA
#> $results
#> # A tibble: 5 x 10
#>   id     title    author abstract   contributor subject  availability content_type
#>   <chr>  <chr>    <chr>  <chr>      <chr>       <chr>    <chr>        <chr>       
#> 1 c1be8… Clearin… Tarbo… "Can your… ""          #gisDay… public       Composite, …
#> 2 1302d… Clearin… Tarbo… "Can your… ""          AGU2015  public       Composite, …
#> 3 e1d4f… Hydrolo… Tarbo… "Digital … ""          TauDEM,… public       Presentatio…
#> 4 66fd9… Materia… Tarbo… "Material… ""          Worksho… public       Presentatio…
#> 5 d752e… The Mod… Tarbo… "Model My… ""          present… public       Presentatio…
#> # … with 2 more variables: metadata <list>, geodata <list>

Another way of finding resources is via the Discover API. This is equivalent to accessing the “Discover” page directly on the HydroShare website. It returns the first 40 results.

It is preferred to use hs_resource() or any of the other hs_* functions, as they have better support/flexibility in contrast to hs_discover().


#> # A tibble: 40 x 6
#>    title          link          author       abstract          short_id   metadata
#>    <chr>          <chr>         <chr>        <chr>             <chr>      <list>  
#>  1 SUMMA Simulat… https://hydr… Choi, Young… "These are examp… 03dc01d36… <tibble…
#>  2 SUMMA Simulat… https://hydr… Choi, Young… "These are examp… ac54c8046… <tibble…
#>  3 NLDAS Forcing… https://hydr… Choi, Young… "This resource w… a28685d2d… <tibble…
#>  4 SHAW model in… https://hydr… Marshall, A… "This dataset su… 5a355d673… <tibble…
#>  5 Application o… https://hydr… Pedrazas, M… "Fluvio-deltaic … cf3c26339… <tibble…
#>  6 ModelMyWaters… https://hydr… Ensign, Sco… "A watershed mul… a10bfc16d… <tibble…
#>  7 Wasatch Envir… https://hydr… University … "This dataset co… 5057577e8… <tibble…
#>  8 Wasatch Envir… https://hydr… University … "This dataset co… 252980b3b… <tibble…
#>  9 Wasatch Envir… https://hydr… University … "This dataset co… 6445418c7… <tibble…
#> 10 Wasatch Envir… https://hydr… University … "This dataset co… 74dc57ed7… <tibble…
#> # … with 30 more rows

You can also call hs_resource() with no parameters to do basic pagination searches.

This is usually preferred over hs_discover().


#> $.next
#> [1] "https://www.hydroshare.org/hsapi/resource/search?page=2"
#> $.prev
#> [1] NA
#> $results
#> # A tibble: 100 x 10
#>    id     title  author  abstract  contributor subject  availability content_type 
#>    <chr>  <chr>  <chr>   <chr>     <chr>       <chr>    <chr>        <chr>        
#>  1 73aae… 00_Ze… Arscot… "Stroud … ""          mmw, mo… public       Geographic F…
#>  2 73ad4… 00_Ze… Gisond… "Second … ""          osi, mo… public       Geographic F…
#>  3 ea93a… 00_Ze… Gisond… "Part of… ""          osi, mo… public       Geographic F…
#>  4 a2a5c… 01_Pe… Gish, … "Aggrega… ""          cbf, mm… public       Geographic F…
#>  5 5002f… 01_Ze… Gisond… "Part of… ""          osi, mo… public       Geographic F…
#>  6 1048d… 02_Ma… Gish, … "Aggrega… ""          cbf, mm… public       Geographic F…
#>  7 b4b3c… 02_Ze… Gisond… "Second … ""          osi, mo… public       Geographic F…
#>  8 fb70e… 02_Ze… Gisond… "Part of… ""          osi, mo… public       Geographic F…
#>  9 74704… 03_Cl… Gish, … "Aggrega… ""          cbf, mm… public       Geographic F…
#> 10 737cf… 03_Mo… Gisond… "Second … ""          osi, mo… public       Geographic F…
#> # … with 90 more rows, and 2 more variables: metadata <list>, geodata <list>

You can also find resources by HydroShare alphanumeric IDs:

hs_resource(id = "e1d4f2aff7d84f79b901595f6ea48368")

#> # A tibble: 1 x 19
#>   resource_title  resource_type  resource_id abstract authors creator doi   public
#>   <chr>           <chr>          <chr>       <chr>    <chr>   <chr>   <lgl> <lgl> 
#> 1 Hydrologic Ter… CompositeReso… e1d4f2aff7… "Digita… David … David … NA    TRUE  
#> # … with 11 more variables: discoverable <lgl>, shareable <lgl>, immutable <lgl>,
#> #   published <lgl>, date_created <chr>, date_last_updated <chr>, bag_url <chr>,
#> #   science_metadata_url <chr>, resource_map_url <chr>, resource_url <chr>,
#> #   content_types <list>

For more details on using hs_resource(), refer to the documentation site.

Example Using R6 HydroShare Client Class

Note: functionality for queries and discover traversal still need to be implemented. The example below may change as the object matures.

# Create new HSClient object
hs_client <- HSClient$new()

#> R6-based client still in-development.
#> Full functionality may not exist.
#> HSClientR - R6 Client
#> =======================================
#> Thanks for using HSClientR! ♥
#> You can start a query with $query()
#> Make sure to authenticate with $authenticate()
#> =======================================


#> It looks like you haven't authenticated yet...
#> Please call $authenticate() on this object to get
#> OAuth2 authentication set up with HydroShare! :)

# Begin authentication (hs_auth)

# OAuth2 Dance will begin and a web browser
# will open to HydroShare's login/authorization
# page. Once you login, an access token will be
# sent back to a local httpuv web server for
# your R session.

# Search for a resource (hs_resource)
hs_client$query(text = "NHDPlus VAA")

#> # A tibble: 2 x 18
#>   text     author  abstract    contributor subject   availability created modified
#>   <chr>    <chr>   <chr>       <chr>       <chr>     <chr>        <chr>   <chr>   
#> 1 " \n ba… Rea, A… "The NHDPl… ""          NHDPlus,… public       2019-0… 2019-08…
#> 2 " \n 60… Johnso… "These fil… ""          roughnes… public       2020-1… 2021-02…
#> # … with 10 more variables: coverage_type <chr>, east <dbl>, northlimit <dbl>,
#> #   eastlimit <dbl>, southlimit <dbl>, westlimit <dbl>, start_date <lgl>,
#> #   end_date <lgl>, resource_type <chr>, content_type <chr>

# $query uses hs_search() to perform the query,
# and while a tibble is outputted, the object returns
# itself invisibly. Once the query is performed, we can
# print our object to see our last query and its results:


#> Authenticated as:
#> Justin Singh-Mohudpur
#> User: jsinghm
#> ID:   8409
#> Org:  University of California, Santa Barbara
#> =======================================
#> Last Query ($query): text = "NHDPlus VAA"
#> Query Results:
#>  6092c8a62fac45be97a09bfd0b0bf726  
#>  NHDPlus Value Added Attributes - no geometries  
#>  These files contain a curated set ...
